This referral program has been closed since 19 December, 2023 13:50
Ibanwallet Referral code

Save money on ibanwallet with my 50€ promo code - referral code ibanwallet to get 50€ offered for free on account creation

Save 50€ on ibanwallet with my discount code. discount code ibanwallet 50€ - use my promo code to save 50€

Image of Insha Urdu Stories
Insha Urdu Stories

1 year

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Earn up to 50€ (Light: 10€ / 1€ Basic: 500€ / 10€ Smart: 1000€ / 25€ Pro: 2000€ / 50€)
Iban Wallet is an app where you can invest money into people needing a load and get returns start...

Referral process

How does the promo code works?

To earn up to 50€ with Iban Wallet referral reward you need to signup using an Iban Wallet referral code or link and invest money. Depending on how much money you invest you will get different kind of rewards. With Iban wallet there are four level of rewards: Light: 10€ invested / 1€ earned - Basic: 500€ / 10€ offered - Smart: 1000€ / 25€ - Pro: invest 2000€ / get 50€ offered