This referral program has been closed since 02 January, 2024 09:55
Verse Referral code

Verseapp promo code: 8gf834 βœ… € 7 + € 5 free + weekly prizes and more than € 500 in the invitations program (2022-updated) πŸŽπŸ’™

Apply the verse code: 8gf834βœ… in settings - promotions, add € 5, pay € 5 to a friend and verify your profile to automatically get the € 5 that you can withdraw to your bank immediately without commissions πŸ’™πŸŽ β–Ά ️5 + 5 € in the invitations program of your code and share it! πŸ”₯it's freeπŸ”₯

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5€ offered when you sign up with a Verse promo code
Verse is a mobile app that lets you pay and receive payments instantly, securely and for free. It...

Referral process

How does the promo code works?

Promotional code and referral program to earn € 5 when you sign up and transfer € 5. Once registered, you need to link a card from which to make payments. You need to send at least € 5 to another Verse user and you will receive 5 € free which you can transfer to your bank. To make the € 5 transfer, you can invite a friend or family member with your link and earn € 5 again when you transfer money to them.